contoh kalimat off shore
- I'll have everything off shore in a month.
Akan kudapatkan semuanya dalam satu bulan. - I can put her down in the water just off shore.
Aku bisa mendaratkannya di air dekat pantai. - They were 100 miles off shore when he went overboard.
Mereka 100 mil lepas pantai ketika ia pergi ke laut. - Fring had all these secret off shore accounts.
Fring punya rekening rahasia. - Off shore, of course.
Lepas pantai, tentu saja. - As you can see, there are Indonesian ships only just off shore. Malcolm Rennie.
Seperti yang Anda lihat, ada lndonesia kapal baru saja lepas pantai. - Weather satellites they're currently tracking 3 off shore water spouts over the pacific ocean.
Satelit cuaca sudah melacak adanya 3 di lepas pantai di lautan Pasifik. - ? Dam Gates ? Submersible Pumps ? Hydro-Electric Surfaces ? Off Shore Structures
? Gerbang Dam ? Pompa Celup ? Permukaan Hidro-Listrik ? Struktur Off Shore - So, I gotta ask, what the hell was she doing out there, a mile off shore?
jadi, aku mau tanya, apa yg terjadi di luar sana, bebrapa mil dari pantai? - Water Resisting? Dam Gates ? Submersible Pumps ? Hydro-Electric Surfaces ? Off Shore Structures
Tahan Air ? Gerbang Dam ? Pompa Celup ? Permukaan Hidro-Listrik ? Struktur Off Shore - They placed their production line on their multinational-registered plant ship, anchored off shore, as they were fearful of the involvement of the authorities,
Mereka takut digerebek pihak berwenang, jadi mereka membuat pabrik dalam kapal yang berlabuh di lepas pantai - Barack Obama says no to off shore drilling and says he'll raise taxes on electricity? Higher taxes, more foreign oil... that's the real Obama.
BarackObamatidakmenyetujui pengeboran minyak lepas pantai danmengatakania akanmenaikkanpajak pada listrik pajakyanglebihtinggi, lebih banyak minyak asing ituadalahObamayangsebenarnya - For continuous or heavy-duty service in marine applications on and off shore, we manufacture a full line of designed seawater desalination systems.
Untuk layanan berkelanjutan atau tugas berat dalam aplikasi kelautan di dalam dan di luar pantai, kami memproduksi sistem desalinasi air laut yang dirancang penuh. - Since ancient times the steerer and paddlers of these traditional Moluccan rowing boats yelled 'Mena Muria', to synchronise their strokes during off shore expeditions.
Sejak zaman dahulu para pengemudi dan pendayung perahu dayung tradisional Maluku ini berteriak 'Mena Muria', untuk menyesuaikan tolakan dayung mereka saat ekspedisi di pantai. - National Weather Service is reporting a squall approximately 80 miles off shore due east of Boston. Three microquakes-Albany, New York, Waterville, Vermont, and Worcester, Massachusetts, all within seconds of each other.
badan cuaca nasional melaporkan ada badai sekitar 80 mil disebelah timur Boston. semua dalam hitungan detik satu sama lain. - Our hydraulic power pack widely used in our lifting equipment, agricultural machine, medical machine, marine equipment, off shore, dock leveler, car tailgate, scissor lift, etc.
Paket tenaga hidrolik kami banyak digunakan dalam peralatan pengangkat kami, mesin pertanian, mesin medis, peralatan laut, lepas pantai, penyamarataan dok, bak truk, gunting lift, dll. - Originally in Byzantine service, he rebelled and seized Smyrna, much of the Aegean coastlands of Asia Minor and the islands lying off shore in 1088–91.
Pada awalnya, ia berdinas di militer Bizantium, sebelum dirinya memberontak dan menduduki Smyrna, sebagian besar tanah pesisir Aegea dari Asia Kecil dan pulau-pulau pesisir pantai pada tahun 1088–1091. - They would stay in Australian waters for several months to trade and take trepang (or dried sea cucumber) before returning to Makassar on the dry season off shore winds.
Mereka akan tinggal di pesisir Australia selama beberapa bulan untuk berdagang dan mengambil teripang kering sebelum kembali ke Makassar pada angin lepas pantai musim kemarau. - Student will receive a COE (Confirmation Of Enrolment) from the institutions once the payment has been made.Please be advised that some overseas transfer might take 3 - 5 working days to arrive to the recipient. Applying visa online for On shore and Off shore applicants
Harap diperhatikan bahwa beberapa transfer luar negeri mungkin mengambil 3-5 hari kerja yang sampai ke penerima. - The net catfish in containers one by one allows you process frozen seafood Many catering worn off shore. Seafood such as catfish speckle wijaya seafoo beraih adal selling product .. very profitable your business
Lele bersih ini di kemas satu per satu memudahkan anda proses seafood beku. Banyak sekali dipakai catering. Seafood beku wijaya seafood berupa lele bersih adalah produk laris. sangat menguntungkan usaha anda.